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- Grandmaster of the Six Samurai - RA03-EN174 Quarter Century Secret Rare 1st Edition€ 19.99Inventory: 2
- Grandmaster of the Six Samurai - SPWA-EN009 - Super Rare 1st Edition€ 0.99Inventory: 5
- Grandpa Demetto - BROL-EN032 - Secret Rare 1st Edition€ 0.49Inventory: 11
- Grandram - ABYR-EN005€ 0.35Inventory: 8
- Grandram - ABYR-EN005 - 1st Edition€ 0.35Inventory: 7
- Grandsoil the Elemental Lord - FLOD-ENSE1 - Super Rare - Limited Edition€ 0.79Inventory: 2
- Grandsoil the Elemental Lord - REDU-EN038 - Secret Rare Unlimited€ 7.99Inventory: 2
- Grandtusk Dragon - MP23-EN129 - Common 1st Edition€ 0.25Inventory: 19
- Grandtusk Dragon - POTE-EN033 - Super Rare 1st Edition€ 0.49Inventory: 20
- Granguignol the Dusk Dragon - BLTR-EN087 - Secret Rare 1st Edition€ 7.99Inventory: 6
- Granguignol the Dusk Dragon - MP24-EN067 - Prismatic Secret Rare 1st EditionSold out
- Granguignol the Dusk Dragon - PHHY-EN033 - Ultra Rare 1st Edition€ 9.99Inventory: 4
- Granmarg the Rock Monarch - SR01-EN006 - 1st EditionSold out
- GranSolfachord Coolia - CYAC-EN049 - Super Rare 1st Edition€ 0.49Inventory: 15
- GranSolfachord Musecia - DAMA-EN048 - Ultra Rare 1st Edition€ 2.99Inventory: 8
- Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World - GLD5-EN028 - Gold RareSold out
- Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World - SR13-EN043 - Common 1st Edition€ 0.49Inventory: 12
- Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World : MAGO-EN118 - Rare 1st Edition€ 0.99Inventory: 1
- Grapha, Dragon Overlord of Dark World - SR13-EN041 - Ultra Rare 1st Edition€ 0.59Inventory: 10
- Grapple Blocker - TDGS-EN087 - Rare€ 0.49Inventory: 2
- Grapple Blocker - TDGS-EN087 - Rare - 1st Edition€ 0.49Inventory: 8
- Grappler Angler - EXFO-EN029 - 1st Edition€ 0.25Inventory: 20
- Grappler Angler - MP18-EN187 - Common 1st Edition€ 0.25Inventory: 8
- Grass Phantom - SOI-EN031€ 0.49Inventory: 12