- Starter Deck: Yugi - 29-03-2002 (SDY)
- Starter Deck: Kaiba - 29-03-2002 (SDK)
- Starter Deck: Joey - 30-03-2003 (SDJ)
- Starter Deck: Pegasus - 30-03-2003 (SDP)
- Starter Deck: Yugi Evolution - 01-03-2004 (SYE)
- Starter Deck: Kaiba Evolution - 01-03-2004 (SKE)
- Structure Deck: Dragon's Roar - 01-01-2005 (SD1)
- Structure Deck: Zombie Madness - 01-01-2005 (SD2)
- Structure Deck: Blaze of Destruction - 09-05-2005 (SD3)
- Structure Deck: Fury from the Deep - 09-05-2005 (SD4)
- Structure Deck: Warrior's Triumph - 28-10-2005 (SD5)
- Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Judgment - 18-01-2006 (SD6)
- Starter Deck 2006 - 23-03-2006 (YSD)
- Structure Deck: Invincible Fortress - 15-05-2006 (SD7)
- Structure Deck: Lord of the Storm - 12-07-2006 (SD8)
- Structure Deck: Dinosaur's Rage - 20-10-2006 (SD09)
- Structure Deck: Machine Re-Volt - 17-01-2007 (SD10)
- Starter Deck: Jaden Yuki - 25-07-2007 (YSDJ)
- Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale - 25-07-2007 (YSDS)
- Structure Deck: Rise of the Dragon Lords - 24-10-2007 (SDRL)
- Structure Deck: The Dark Emperor - 02-04-2008 (SDDE)
- Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - 05-08-2008 (5DS1)
- Structure Deck: Zombie World - 21-10-2008 (SDZW)
- Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Command - 31-03-2009 (SDSC)
- Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2009 - 09-06-2009 (5DS2)
- Structure Deck: Warriors' Strike - 27-10-2009 (SDWS)
- Structure Deck: Machina Mayhem - 23-2-2010 (SDMM)
- Starter Deck: Duelist Toolbox - 01-06-2010 (5DS3)
- Structure Deck: Marik - 19-10-2010 (SDMA)
- Structure Deck: Dragunity Legion - 08-03-2011 (SDDL)
- Structure Deck: Lost Sanctuary - 14-06-2011 (SDLS)
- Starter Deck: Dawn of the Xyz - 12-07-2011 (YS11)
- Structure Deck: Gates of the Underworld - 18-10-2011 (SDGU)
- Structure Deck: Dragons Collide - 07-02-2012 (SDDC)
- Starter Deck: Xyz Symphony - 17-04-2012 (YS12)
- Structure Deck: Samurai Warlords - 26-06-2012 (SDWA)
- Structure Deck: Realm of the Sea Emperor - 16-10-2012 (SDRE)
- Structure Deck: Onslaught of the Fire Kings - 08-02-2013 (SDOK)
- Super Starter: V for Victory - 14-06-2013 (YS13)
- Structure Deck: Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon - 13-09-2013 (SDBE)
- Starter Deck: Yugi Reloaded - 06-12-2013 (YSYR)
- Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded - 06-12-2013 (YSKR)
- Structure Deck: Cyber Dragon Revolution - 07-02-2014 (SDCR)
- Structure Deck: Realm of Light - 27-06-2014 (SDLI)
- Super Starter: Space-Time Showdown - 11-07-2014 (YS14)
- Structure Deck: Geargia Rampage - 17-10-2014 (SDGR)
- Structure Deck: HERO's Strike - 30-01-2015 (SDHS)
- Starter Deck: Saber Force - 29-05-2015 (YS15)
- Structure Deck: Synchron Extreme - 28-08-2015 (SDSE)
- Structure Deck: Master of Pendulum - 04-12-2015 (SDMP)
- Structure Deck: Emperor Of Darkness - 29-01-2016 (SR01)
- Starter Deck: Yuya - 27-05-2016 (YS16)
- Structure Deck: Rise of the True Dragons - 08-07-2016 (SR02)
- Structure Deck: Seto Kaiba - 21-10-2016 (SDKS)
- Structure Deck: Yugi Muto - 21-10-2016 (SDMY)
- Structure Deck: Pendulum Domination - 20-01-2017 (SDPD)
- Structure Deck: Machine Reactor - 14-04-2017 (SR03)
- Structure Deck: Dinosmasher's Fury - 14-04-2017 (SR04)
- Starter Deck: Link Strike - 21-07-2017 (YS17)
- Structure Deck: Cyberse Link - 03-11-2017 (SDCL)
- Structure Deck: Wave of Light - 2017 (SR05)
- Structure Deck - Lair of Darkness - 20-04-2018 (SR06)
- Starter Deck: CodeBreaker - 12-07-2018 (YS18)
- Structure Deck: Powercode Link - 09-08-2018 (SDPL)
- Structure Deck: Zombie Horde - 02-11-2018 (SR07)
- Structure Deck: Soulburner - 14-02-2019 (SDSB)
- Structure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters - 25-04-2019 (SR08)
- Structure Deck: Rokket Revolt Structure Deck - 16-08-2019 (SDRR)
- Structure Deck: Shaddoll Showdown - 13-02-2020 (SDSH)
- Structure Deck: Mechanized Madness - 17-04-2020 (SR10)
- Structure Deck: Sacred Beasts 09-07-2020 (SDSA)
- Structure Deck: Spirit Charmers -22-10-2020(SDCH)
- Structure Deck: Freezing Chains - 18-02-2021(SDFC)
- Egyptian God Deck: Slifer the Sky Dragon Singles -17-06-2021 (EGS1)
- Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the Tormentor Singles - 17-06-2021(EGO1)
- Structure Deck: Cyber Strike 14-10-2021 (SDCS)
- Structure Deck: Albaz Strike -14-04-2022 (SDAZ)
- Structure Deck: Legend of the Crystal Beasts - 29-09-2022(SDCB)
- Structure Deck: Dark World - 01-12-2022 (SR13)
- Structure Deck: Beware of Traptrix - 23-02-2023 (SDBT)
- Structure Deck: The Crimson King - 21-09-2023(SDCK)
- Structure Deck: Fire Kings - 07-12-2023(SR14)
- 2-Player Starter Set - 25-01-2024 (STAS/STAX)
- Structure Deck: Realm of Light (Reprint) - 06-06-2024 (SDLI)
- Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny - 13-02-2025 (SDWD)