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- Feather Shot - DP1-EN017€ 0.49Inventory: 5
- Feather Shot - EEN-EN042 - Rare€ 0.49Inventory: 3
- Feather Shot - EEN-EN042 - Rare - 1st Edition€ 0.99Inventory: 1
- Feather Shot - LCGX-EN083 - Rare Unlimited€ 0.49Inventory: 13
- Feather Wind - EEN-EN058€ 0.49Inventory: 14
- Feather Wind - EEN-EN058 - 1st Edition€ 0.99Inventory: 5
- Feather Wind - LCGX-EN109€ 0.49Inventory: 19
- Feather Wind - LCGX-EN109 - Common 1st Edition€ 0.49Inventory: 2
- Featherizer - SDWS-EN003 - Super Rare - 1st Edition€ 0.49Inventory: 2
- Feedback Warrior - YS11-EN007 -1st Edition€ 0.35Inventory: 7
- Feedback Warrior - YS12-EN009 - 1st Edition€ 0.35Inventory: 12
- Feedran, the Winds of Mischief - IGAS-EN082 - Common 1st Edition€ 0.25Inventory: 14
- Feedran, the Winds of Mischief - MP21-EN034 - Common 1st Edition€ 0.25Inventory: 20
- Felgrand Dragon - SR02-EN005 - 1st EditionSold out
- Felis, Lightsworn Archer - BLC1-EN061 - Common 1st EditionSold out
- Fencing Fire Ferret - BP03-EN107 - Rare 1st EditionSold out
- Fencing Fire Ferret - JOTL-EN097€ 0.35Inventory: 5
- Fencing Fire Ferret - JOTL-EN097 - 1st Edition€ 0.35Inventory: 16
- Fencing Fire Ferret - MP14-EN123 - 1st Edition€ 0.35Inventory: 3
- Fencing Fire Ferret - SDMP-EN017 - 1st Edition€ 0.35Inventory: 10
- Fencing Fire Ferret - SDSB-EN017 - Common 1st Edition€ 0.25Inventory: 25
- Fencing Fire Ferret - SR14-EN020 - Common 1st Edition€ 0.35Inventory: 10
- Fengli the Soldrapom - BODE-EN031 - Common 1st Edition€ 0.25Inventory: 12
- Fengsheng Mirror - LOD-075€ 0.69Inventory: 6