Gambler of Legend - GLAS-EN031
Gambler of Legend - GLAS-EN031
Gladiator's Assault GLAS
Card Type: Monster
Card Text: Once per turn, you can toss a coin 3 times and apply the appropriate effect: 3 Heads: Destroy all monsters your opponent controls. 2 Heads: Discard 1 random card from your opponent's hand. 1 Head: Destroy 1 card you control. 3 Tails: Discard your entire hand.
Creature Type: Spellcaster/Effect
Level/ Rank: 4
Attack: 500
Defense: 1400
Attribute: Dark
Manufacturer: KonamiGladiator's Assault GLAS
Rarity: Common
Card Type: Monster
Card Text: Once per turn, you can toss a coin 3 times and apply the appropriate effect: 3 Heads: Destroy all monsters your opponent controls. 2 Heads: Discard 1 random card from your opponent's hand. 1 Head: Destroy 1 card you control. 3 Tails: Discard your entire hand.
Creature Type: Spellcaster/Effect
Level/ Rank: 4
Attack: 500
Defense: 1400
Attribute: Dark
Manufacturer: Konami