Consecrated Light - ABPF-EN033 - 1st Edition
Consecrated Light - ABPF-EN033 - 1st Edition
Absolute Powerforce ABPF
Rarity: Common
Card Type: Monster
Card Text: Neither player can Normal or Special Summon DARK monsters or declare an attack with a DARK monster. This card cannot be destroyed by battle with a DARK monster, and you take no Battle Damage from that battle.
Creature Type: Fairy/Effect
Level/ Rank: 1
Attribute: Light
Manufacturer: Konami
Description: A great card from the superb set Absolute Powerforce! This card just shuts down entire decks! Blackwing, Archfiend, Infernity all fall short to this little petite fairy! A great sideboard card! Don't let those decks shut you down. Get yours today!