(LP) Armed Ninja - LOB-E086 - Rare 1st Edition
Armed Ninja - LOB-E086 - Rare 1st Edition
Legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon 1st Edition Singles
Rarity Rare
Card Type Monster
Card Text FLIP: Destroys 1 Magic Card on the field. If this card's target is face-down, flip it face-up. If the card is a Magic Card, it is destroyed. If not, it is returned to its face-down position. The flipped card is not activated.
Creature Type Warrior/Effect
Level 1
Attack 300
Defense 300
Attribute Earth
Description Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon was the 1st expansion of the Yugioh TCG. It was released in March of 2002 and consisted of 126 cards total. Noteworthy cards from Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon include Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Exodia the Forbidden One, Red-Eyes B. Dragon, Dark Magician & Monster Reborn.